Saturday, December 12, 2015

X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer

            So the first trailer for the new X-Men movie, X-Men: Apocalypse hit the internet and it looks….

....interesting to say the least.  The outfits still look bad and stuck in that post-Matrix late 90s/early 2000s aesthetic that Bryan Singer can’t seem to get past but everything else fantastic.  Apocalypse is clearly the kind of heavy threat that the X-Men, (and really comic book movie heroes in general), have yet to encounter and despite some questionable redesigns, (although the original design of the character was never all that good if we’re being honest), and the character does seem true to his comic book origins.  He has power that is beyond the comprehension of any mutant that currently exists, always has four powerful followers, uses his abilities to keep them under his control, has the ability to change his size and his original motivation still seems to be intact.  Not to mention the scale and production value of this film seems be far greater than any of the previous films giving it an epic feel that the previous X-Men films always seemed to lack.  And, of course, I have to tip my hat to the film for actually taking an agnostic/atheist approach to things by basically saying that the vast majority of organized religions stem from his actions.  This is something that you could not have gotten away with ten years ago and I am really interested in seeing where they go with this angle.
            Honestly though, despite how good this trailer looks, the X-Men franchise still presents me with something of a quandary.  Over the past few years it’s become apparent that Fox has finally gotten its head out of its own ass when it comes to the handling of this franchise.  Unlike the Fantastic Four series Fox actually seems to care about this one and finally seems to be embracing the more insane science-fiction aspects of the franchise that the comics are known for and I will still contest that X2, First Class and Days of Future Past are some of the best comic book movies ever made.  But as whole the franchise is clearly a dark horse to the MCU and the upcoming DCCU and part of me wishes that Marvel and Fox could partner up, (note I said partner not give up the rights), and bring the universes together so this franchise won’t fall into irrelevancy.  This movie does look really good and I’m sure it will bring in some big box-office numbers but I’m not sure it will be enough to give the series any kind of longevity after this installment and Hugh Jackman’s inevitable departure from the franchise.  All the same, this trailer looks great and between this, Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice and Captain America: Civil War, 2016 is looking like it’s going to have a hell of a spring.

         So until next time please follow the site, like the Facebook page and follow me on twitter.  Until then I shall leave you with this only slightly appropriate clip from Pacific Rim.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice Official Trailer 2 Thoughts


       HEY!  A new trailer came out for the upcoming Batman V Superman movie and it looks.....

            Pretty much exactly how I thought this movie was going to look.  In all honestly this was a movie that’s plot wasn’t all that hard to predict given the initial premise of the film, coupled with Warner Brothers announcing a slew of their own superhero films to rival that of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  You would have an initial act that would introduce Batman into this universe as well as continuing the Superman storyline from Man of Steel, followed by a second act where they would meet and initially argue and fight, (I’m guessing we’ll get at least two brawls between them before the end of the movie), before realizing that what they’re doing is stupid just in time to team up against whatever insanity Lex Luthor has cooking up.
`           In all honesty though, despite how obvious the plot of this movie was going to go and the still awful grey filters everything still seems to be shot in, this movie looks pretty fun.  Ben Affleck looks like he’ll defy initial expectations over his casting as the Caped Crusader, the interactions between the two seem solid enough, Jesse Eisenberg is clearly not the Lex Luthor that I grew up with but I am digging the whole mad scientist thing he has going for him and this version of Doomsday actually seems pretty cool.  Granted I do kind of hate the fact that Doomsday is in this movie but at least it appears to have an origin story that is grounded in the universe.  While I’m not fully on board with the D.C. Cinimatic Universe given how I personally hated Man of Steel, this movie has my full attention and I personally cannot wait for next March.
            So until next time, please follow the site, like the Facebook Page and follow me on Twitter.  Until then…I sadly don’t have a closing pun that would work for this situation.