Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2015 Favorite, Biggest Surprises and Biggest Disappointments

            Well everyone, 2015 has come and gone and 2016 has arrived.  We’ve had our share of ups and downs, box office bombs, massive hits, controversies and surprises and like everyone else it’s time for me to say just what I think constitutes as the best and worst in the year.  Unfortunately the year proved to be a busy one for me due to a move, school, a change in jobs and trying out game mastering for DnD for the first time and I’ve had neither the time nor the money to see every movie, play every video game, or read every comic book to come out this year.  So whereas most people would do a top 5 or top 10 lists I’m limiting my choices to one in categories of Personal Favorite, Biggest Surprise and Biggest Disappointment.   So without further delay, let’s see what I loved, what surprised and what disappointed me.


Personal Favorite
Mad Max: Fury Road

            In spite of a few noticeable hiccups like Terminator: Genisys, 2015 was a heck of a year when it came to reviving franchises from the 80s and early 90s but for my money Fury Road is easily the best of them.  Tom Hardy was the perfect choice for the titular character making us all but forget the man who originally played the role.  Charlize Theron’s turn as Furiosa made for a great co-lead and surprised us all by taking over the role as the main character.  The plot, though simple in nature, was loaded with a surprising amount of depth.  The action sequences were easily some of the best of the year, combining old school practical effects with modern special effects and editing techniques.  All around, it was a kickass movie that was surprisingly smart and I can’t wait to see what’s next for these characters.

Biggest Surprise
Jurassic World

            After one subpar sequel, one terrible one, and 12 years of development hell I really wasn’t expecting this movie to even come out, much less be any good.  The fact that they chose Chris Pratt as the lead, (yes he was good in Guardians but I wasn’t convinced he would be good for this), and the trailer showing that the main bad dinosaur would be a mutant hybrid didn’t exactly help matters.  In the end, the movie was pretty silly coming off more as Jurassic Park fan fiction, with most of the characters coming off as parodies of their stock roles, deaths that more often hilarious then horrifying, and an final fight against the mutant dinosaur that was so stupidly awesome that for a moment I thought I was watching Pacific Rim or something.  But I’ll be damned if the whole thing didn’t work.  It may pale in comparison to the original’s Adventure/Horror atmosphere, but for what it is the movie was a lot of fun.  Chris Pratt was entertaining in the lead role.  His relationship with his Raptors was entertaining and in some ways cute and the final battle was just so much fun.  I can’t honestly say that I think the movie deserves as much money as it made but for what it was it was a fun ride.

Biggest Disappointment
Crimson Peak

            There were plenty of movies that disappointed and/or sucked but most of them we can probably say that the movies in question sucking was something that we saw coming.  With Age of Ultron there was no way it had any chance of surpassing the first Avengers or even The Winter Soldier and Guardians in terms of quality.  The Terminator franchise is one that no one seems to care about anymore and the new Fantastic Four movie not being any good was something that everyone knew about months before the movie even came out due to the steady trickle of rumors of production problems plaguing the film.  But then we have Crimson Peak, the latest outing from Guillermo del Toro; a man with an insanely impressive film resume doing a haunted house movie.  And it wasn’t any good.  Outside of two admittedly great performances by Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain and some interesting looking ghosts, the movie disappoints in nearly every other regard.  Marketed has a horror movie, the film fails to provide any legitimate scares and is truly more of a predictable, subpar murder mystery and if the so called twists aren’t told to the viewer outright in the first act it’s so heavily imply that they may as well have told you.  I honestly do believe that del Toro is easily the most underappreciated living director of this generation but this movie almost made me rethink that position.  Almost.

Video Games

Personal Favorite
The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt

This was kind of a tough one as there were three games that I really wanted to put in this spot.  Bloodbourne was a game I’ve sunk a lot of hours into and have thoroughly enjoyed, even with its insane difficulty.  Fallout 4 has also proved to be a fine game even if it does lose a lot of its steam the moment you get to the Institute.  But for me, The Witcher 3 is the best game of the year.  With great graphics, fantastically written characters, a campaign that both rewards and punishes you for your actions and a slew of monster hunting quests that have you acting as much as a detective as a warrior the game offers the absolute most you will get out of any game this year.  To put it simply, it’s everything that Dragon Age: Inquisition tried and failed to be and everything that Skyrim wasn’t interested in being.  Check it out.

Biggest Surprise
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game

Since the release of the first “season” of their Walking Dead game, Telltale is a development company that has quickly devolved into making games that consist almost entirely of QTEs and has very obviously over extended itself, dipping its hands into a few to many franchises all at once, (Minecraft Story Mode anyone?) and at first their Game of Thrones game seemed to be just another middling Telltale game.  And to be fair, this game is not one of their best outings.  Once again we have a game that only gives you the illusion of choice, that’s gameplay amounts to QTEs and a story that pales in comparison to the media it’s based on.  But, when all was said and done, I found myself completely invested in the struggles of House Forrester and wanted to see them succeed in their struggles against their enemies and it really does capture “crap happens” effect of the source material as well as the idea that a lot of your investment in these places and characters amounts to little in this cruel world.  All of the characters are interesting and go beyond being the Jon Snow stand in or the Rob Stark stand in, (although they do get close at times), and have the kind of depth that you really wouldn’t expect in a licensed game.  Although the game is kind of hard to give a glowing recommendation, it makes for a decent filler story while you wait for the next book or show season to come out.

Biggest Disappointment
Batman: Arkham Knight

In this category I was torn between this game, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Star Wars: Battlefront.  Ultimately I felt that Battlefront was undeserving of this spot mostly because I saw it being mediocre the moment EA announced its revival and the fact that DICE would be developing it, (Battlefront 4 anyone?) and the game’s actual poor quality and lack of content is an obvious result of large chunks of the game being carved out for DLC; a practice so cliché for big shooters at this point that I think most people are just numb to it.  With MGSV what we had was a very solid game and what was lacking was clearly the result of Konami’s poor business decisions and the apparent conflict between Kojima and Konami executives.  While this is good fodder for an article on gaming controversy it doesn’t make the game any less good, even if it is easily the weakest MGS installment.
  The reason I opted to go with Arkham Knight however was because, when you got right down to it, the developers simply failed to make a compelling title or a satisfying ending to the Arkham series.  The game’s many problems included a PC version that was utterly unplayable at launch and a lackluster, by the numbers Batman vs. Scarecrow storyline with an insultingly predictable twist.  The gameplay relied WAY to heavily on tank battles and side missions that had you doing the same things over and over again and failed to take advantage of the interesting and unique villains that populate the Batman mythos.  All of this was rounded up an ending that was so unclear as to just what happened it negates any emotional impact that it was supposed to convey, walled off by an infuriating 100% completion condition that would drive anyone up the wall.
All around, 2015 was full of disappointing games but this one was the one that hit the hardest for me.  It’s not a bad game by any means but it was hands down the one that let me down the most.

Before I go any further on this section I should disclose that I’ve only read Marvel comics this year.  That’s not to say that DC doesn’t produce great comics but I’ve simply fallen so far behind on DC’s that catching up has proven to be a very difficult task, and while I do intend to cover DC’s series this year none of their products will be appearing in this section.  So with that said, let’s get this show on the road.

Personal Favorite
The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Verse

Technically this one is kind of cheating, seeing as how half of the Spider-Verse event came out in 2014 but Marvel’s turnout was so lackluster this year, mainly due to the Secret Wars event, (makes you think I should expand my horizons doesn’t it?), that the answer as to what would be my favorite of the year was always obvious to me.  Featuring probably the most unique crossover event that I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing, the Spider-Verse event had everything that most events both have and lack.  The characters were all three dimensional and had some degree of development, the interactions between all of these versions of Spider-Man range from dramatic to heart breaking to hilarious, and it gave us an insane but interesting storyline that manages to capture the complexity of the character and Spider-Man mythos as well as its ludicrous nature.  It’s the best kind of crossover that there is and I couldn’t recommend it enough.  Check it out.

Biggest Surprise
Darth Vader

I’ve already talked about this one in a previous post and my feelings on it stay unchanged.  But it should suffice to say that this was a comic that was a lot better than it had any right to be, providing a new and interesting cast of characters, art work that perfectly captured the mood, challenging obstacles for Vader to overcome and answers questions that I, quite frankly, didn’t even think to ask.  If you have to buy one Star Wars comic I recommend this one.  It is worth your time and money.

Biggest Disappointment
Secret Wars

Oh dear.  Where do I even start with this one?  Should I talk about the insane number of production delays?  Should I talk about how all of this was supposed to be over in October but will now be ending on the 13th of this month?  Should I mention that the series was originally 8 issues but was extended to 9?  Should I go over the fact that the event series has continued even though the rebooted Marvel Universe has already started with several fantastic series?  Is it worth mentioning that it doesn’t actually have a plot?  Should I go over the fact that more than half the series is prolonged exposition explaining how things work while failing to have a coherent narrative?  Should I mention that the characters have no apparent arc or development?  Should we talk about how the whole thing just skips from the exposition issues right to climactic battle issues?  All are worth mentioning and all are the reason why this comic sucks and has been the biggest disappointment of 2015’s comics.  Seriously, BURN THIS SERIES AND NEVER ALLOW IT TO BE REPRINTED AGAIN!

And that wraps up my personal picks for my favorites, biggest disappointments, and biggest surprises.  This year will be one to feature a lot more content and hopefully bring more readers and I am determined that one way or another, this will be a great year.

So until next time please follow the site, like the Facebook page and follow me on twitter and let the new year begin!  It's going to be a good one.

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