Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Secret Wars #1

            Well, it’s finally here.  After years of buildup, crossover events, heartbreaking moments and possibly more media coverage than any other comic book event in recent memory, everything has ended and the Secret Wars have begun.
            In many ways, however, the first issue of Secret Wars feels like it should either be called Secret Wars #0 or Avengers #45, as the issue itself feels more like a prologue to what will come later or an ending the Avengers series as opposed to the start of a major crossover event/reboot of the Marvel Universe.  It begins right where Avengers #44 left off; with Nick Fury of the Ultimate Universe launching an attack upon the main Marvel Earth in an attempt to destroy in and prevent the destruction of both universes, as the heroes of the main Marvel Earth try and hold off the attack while Reed Richards attempts to launch his lifeboat that will save a select few from the coming disaster, (read the comics or a wiki article for more info on that!).  What follows is perhaps one of the most heartbreaking, action packed issues I have read in a long time. 
            The simple fact of the matter is that the Marvel Universe is ending and that means a lot of characters are going to die and the issue is full of many heartbreaking shock deaths that are going to get you teary eyed, even if you didn’t have any particular attachment to said character.  The writers and artists simply do their jobs so well that it’s impossible for you not to feel for the characters when their time has come.  The only downside to this is that sometimes the deaths seem to rush by and get swept up in the spectacle of the end of the universes.  The action itself is epic, fast paced and incredibly well drawn with an appropriate darker aesthetic that gives the entire undertaking an appropriate tone.
            Unfortunately, beyond this, there really isn’t a whole lot to say without spoiling the issue itself.  Perhaps my look at the next issue will be a bit more in depth buy beyond this there really isn’t much more to say.  It’s epic, intense, heartbreaking and a hell of a read and I highly recommend you give it a read and see how this new Secret Wars begins.



                So until next time, please follow the site and follow me on twitter and come back around when the next article is up.  Until then, this is Griff the Ghost, signing off.

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